How to merge PDFs in X++ with the help of PdfSharp
First, you need to get the PdfSharp library. As of the time of writing, X++ only supports libraries up to .NET 4.7.2 (I really hope Microsoft will soon target a higher/newer .NET version), so make sure you pick this version linked: PdfSharp 1.50.5147 nuget
If you need a starting point on how to integrate a .NET library into X++: .NET Interop from X++
Without further ado, this is the class that takes your DocuRef records you want to merge to a single PDF. With the help of PdfSharp you can merge the PDF attachments of any record into a single PDF.
using PdfSharp.Pdf;
using PdfSharp.Pdf.IO;
using Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.FileManagement;
internal final class PDFMerger_BEC implements System.IDisposable
List docuRefRecordList = new List(Types::Record);
ListEnumerator docuRefRecordListEnumerator;
System.IO.MemoryStream pdfMemoryStream;
protected void new() { }
public static PDFMerger_BEC construct()
return new PDFMerger_BEC();
public void appendDocuRef(DocuRef _docuRef)
private boolean nextDocuRef()
if (! docuRefRecordListEnumerator)
docuRefRecordListEnumerator = docuRefRecordList.getEnumerator();
return docuRefRecordListEnumerator.moveNext();
private DocuRef currentDocuRef()
if (! docuRefRecordListEnumerator)
return null;
return docuRefRecordListEnumerator.current();
public void merge()
pdfMemoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
using (PdfDocument mergedPdfDocument = new PdfDocument())
mergedPdfDocument.Save(pdfMemoryStream, false);
private void mergeAttachmentsToPDF(PdfDocument _pdfDocument)
while (this.nextDocuRef())
DocuRef docuRef = this.currentDocuRef();
if (! docuRef.isValueAttached())
DocuValue docuValue = docuRef.docuValue();
if (docuValue.FileType != 'pdf')
var storageProvider = docuValue.getStorageProvider();
if (! storageProvider)
var docContents = storageProvider.getFile(docuValue.createLocation());
using (var readDocument = PdfReader::Open(docContents.Content, PdfDocumentOpenMode::Import))
this.appendPagesToPDF(readDocument, _pdfDocument);
private void appendPagesToPDF(PdfDocument _fromDocument, PdfDocument _toDocument)
var pages = _fromDocument.Pages;
var pageEnumerator = pages.GetEnumerator();
while (pageEnumerator.MoveNext())
public System.IO.MemoryStream getFileStream()
return pdfMemoryStream;
public void dispose()
And here is a snipped on how to use the PDFMerger_BEC class:
internal final class PDFTest_BEC
public static void main(Args _args)
Dialog dlg = new Dialog();
DialogField dfItem = dlg.addField(identifierStr(ItemId));
DialogField dfDocuTypeId = dlg.addField(identifierStr(DocuTypeId));
if (!
InventTable inventTable = InventTable::find(dfItem.value());
DocuRefSearch search = DocuRefSearch::newDocuTypeId(inventTable, dfDocuTypeId.value());
using (PDFMerger_BEC pdfMerger = PDFMerger_BEC::construct())
while (
File::SendFileToUser(pdfMerger.getFileStream(), guid2Str(newGuid()) + '.pdf');